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Dr. John Grant-Thomson

Ray Martin, John Grant-Thomson and Louise Woodward discussing loading techniques

(Ray Martin, John Grant-Thomson and Louise Woodward discussing loading techniques)

BAC Technologies Pty Ltd are proud to announce that the Royal Darwin Hospital has just received its first Neocot. This was formally presented by Ray Martin AM, following an amazing fund-raising Ball organised by the HUMPTY DUMPTY FOUNDATION at which generous Darwin Residents and prominent members of the community gave $420,000 for the hospital.

Director of Neonatology, Dr, Louise Woodward (pictured above with her Darwin Hospital Nurses team, supervising the loading into the aircraft by the Careflight crew) worked with myself specifically to design a Mansell Infant Retrieval System to suit her needs.

(Dr. Louise Woodward checking the neonate prior to take-off.)

This Latest Neocot system incorporates the latest medical technology and was tested not only in the hospital but also in the CAREFLIGHT INTERNATIONAL B400 aircraft.

This now makes it possible for “the little ones from the top end” to be transported to Adelaide, Melbourne or Brisbane in a matter of hours.

(Kate Sullivan, John Grant-Thomson, Timothy Wheeler, Matt Sullivan)

The Neoteam at BAC Technologies in Toowoomba worked with Careflight International Operations Manager Mr. Peter Murphy to develop loading systems for the Neocot into their jet aircraft.

This latest addition means that now our system is completely Nation-wide being used in every state and territory.

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